As Long as We Have We…
Sometimes you have to stop and look at the people you’ve surrounded yourself with and count yourself as lucky that you get to work in their presence. I believe nurses are amazing people. I’m lucky to work with some of the best here. The team started today with a bang. The OR was buzzing immediately, Orla and Tina have barley had time to recharge but they find the energy somewhere. Rochelle and Michael in the peds unit started with Leigh Anne and Natalie resuscitating a baby. Always tough to see for a parent, for anyone really. Little fighter pulled through.
You can always count on Jackie Connelly to be in the ring. Jackie continues to be the glue for the team… coach, mentor, supporter, soldier… she’s working hard in the ICU and putting out fires all around us. Our nurses are all cut from that cloth. The emerge nurses are working together even when they are off. It’s a solid lesson in teamwork for all of us
Scott Wilson an adult ER doc thought he was running a pediatric unit with three very sick babies at one point! That changed very quickly with a three-person polytrauma car accident and an adult code all at one time. Four acute sick patients in a three-bed unit. I’d like to say that’s abnormal, far from it.
Trying to keep up on our mandate of making education an important part of what we do here. Last night I met with the Dean of the local medical school and we are going to try and set up regular telemedicine lectures for his students and teachers. I like to think of it as investing in Haiti’s own team for Broken Earth.
Been long days here so far. Lots done. Lots more to do. I hear it’s been cold back home. Thinking about the kids. The support at home. The support at work. You got to surround yourself with a team. That’s how you do it. My kids love the Grinch. There’s a great line at the end… “as long as we have we.”
– Andrew