Day 5: BBQs, power failures & our amazing nurses

Funny how hearing familiar accents can make you homesick.

The BBQ at the Canadian Consulate last night was a welcomed break. So good to see the maple leaf! Premier Dunderdale even sent along a special message of support. Recharging our batteries. Our night got cut short as we got called back to the hospital for an emergency trauma.

The place was in darkness when we got back.

The generator was down but luckily Dr. Steve Major and Geralyn Lambe did an incredible job in stabilizing the patient.

Everyone knew what to do. Pediatrics kept on caring for patients with minimal light. So proud of this team!

Didn’t take long for the heat to settle in this morning.

Geralyn was back at it first thing with another trauma patient.

You’d swear MUN Med resident Steph Peters was doing this for years, handling the ICU like a seasoned veteran. 

This afternoon, Art and Frank got to spend several hours with local medical students. Can’t think of two better mentors.

Got a nice lift from the Grade 6 students of Beachy Cove Elementary. They made a $500 donation today to Project Stitch. Nice to see that kinda spirit in the next generation. Thank you so much! This will be a nice boost to this important project.

Part of the team is on a visit to a local orphanage. Can’t wait to hear their stories when they get back. Those kids are so special.

Been thinking about Geralyn and Mary and all the amazing nurses that I’ve had the great fortune to work with, here and at home. Their dedication. Their empathy. Their endless energy. It really keeps me going and I so much value their input and effort.

We have just 24 hours left on this trip and there’s still so much to do. Our team will operate through the night, make the most of that time.

– Andrew