Day 7: this flight tonight

Early rise in Port-au-Prince this morning. Everyone got on the move at 4:45 AM. Bags to pack, final notes to write.

Left the hospital around 7. It’s always an emotional moment. We’ve worked closely with the dedicated team at the hospital. They’ve become family to us. They care as much for us as we do for them.

You think about all the people you’ve helped, tried to help, comforted or changed. The ones you’ve lost. The kids. The smiles. The look of relief on the ones who make it in the gate, the despair of the ones who don’t. At the end of the day you have to believe that you’ve done everything you could while you were here. You know so much more is needed and it strengthens your resolve to come back. Haiti, I promise our team won’t give up on you.

I’m so proud of our work here. So proud of this team. After nine missions we’ve got the teamwork down. I think our growth in the future missions will be on education. We’re so fortunate to work with such talented people and to have access to their knowledge. Share it out to our Haitian colleagues. You know that old expression… teach a man to fish and work yourself out of a job! Hahaha

Flight’s called for good ol’ NL.

Settle in for the flight, have a cold beer, maybe catch a bit of the game, I think Westjet’s carrying it live.

Exhausted. Already thinking about October’s trip. Can’t wait to see my wife and kids.

See you on the other side folks.
