It has been a while since I have written a blog. To be honest, I had lost my appetite for it. It’s tough to admit but my motivation was and has been so challenged as of late. Haiti. I despair that it’ll never catch a break. The lack of political stability there, although not making […]

So my four year-old son, Mark, asks in the car last week, “how do people know where they are going?” We tried to explain that there are maps, and he says: “no, how do they know where they are going?” We try to explain there are schedules, and he says: “no, how do they know […]
Brad Moss is currently on the ground in Haiti with our NL team on their latest medical mission. “We’re just happy to be here.” These words were spoken by the men of NASA in response to a question by the US media about being chosen as participants in the 1960s Mercury project. Now those words apply to me. As […]

Thank God things slowed down a little yesterday, but I guess that is all relative. Emotions were running high after the first two days, so it was a timely reprieve. I often get asked, are you exhausted? Today, I did. For the first time in a long time, I felt completely tired. As I was […]

This ritual is second nature. It starts at 2 am Newfoundland time. 32 people get out of bed and tiredly make their way to the airport in the middle of a chilly Fall night. Add to that the fact that they’re giving their vacation time for this. Time away from their families too. Makes me […]

Special guest blog by Dr. Nikhil Joshi, currently on the ground in Nepal for Team Broken Earth. I’m hyperventilating. I need At least 10 translators. They need excellent English skills, and then have to be able to speak at least 3 of Nepal’s 40 or so dialects. They have to be available, affordable and willing […]

Each update made me more and more excited. Sometimes pictures are just not enough. We are building something. It feels like we’re taking something back from the earthquake’s devastation. Putting a foundation down. Literally, a foundation. A footprint that says Team Broken Earth and our amazing supporters like Columbus are here in Haiti to stay. […]

This is all too familiar. Early, early rise. Drive to the airport in the dark. The cold still biting. The city’s still asleep. The airport lit up like a greenhouse. This can be the toughest part sometimes… times when I am not so psyched about the trip. To be honest, sometimes I am just exhausted. […]