So my four year-old son, Mark, asks in the car last week, “how do people know where they are going?” We tried to explain that there are maps, and he says: “no, how do they know where they are going?” We try to explain there are schedules, and he says: “no, how do they know […]
Brad Moss is currently on the ground in Haiti with our NL team on their latest medical mission. “We’re just happy to be here.” These words were spoken by the men of NASA in response to a question by the US media about being chosen as participants in the 1960s Mercury project. Now those words apply to me. As […]

As the minutes wind down on another trip everyone is exhausted, hot and in desperate need of a real shower! What a week though. Every time I think I’m getting used to this, Haiti proves me wrong. These medical missions are always fulfilling, busy and emotional for us all. But above all, they are so […]

I’ve heard that perfection is in the details but I beg to differ. I think perfection is found in organization. Maybe that’s the same thing. I’m a doctor not a linguist! But I believe in the right people doing the right jobs and everything working in balance no matter how stressful it gets. We all […]

I don’t spend a lot of time reflecting. That mindset is usually the first casualty of a busy schedule. But every now and then, as time rushes by, the universe reaches out and stops you in your tracks, gives you the gift of a single moment of realization. Despite the pleasure of receiving awards for […]

It’s been a long week in Port-au-Prince. I am super excited to get home and see Allison, my kids and take a long, long shower. We have only a few hours left here and it truly has been another amazing experience. The team just gelled as they always do in these crazy circumstances, and all […]

Yesterday was a good day. I remembered a very important lesson… see the good. I had a chance to read my last few blogs and realized I sounded a bit gloomy. I guess what didn’t come across was that I believe that, in the midst of the heartache Haiti brings, there are good things happening. […]

One thing you can count on in Haiti is that the place will change you. And just when you think you’ve seen it all, it manages to somehow surprise you again. Yesterday was one of those days. In my job I don’t often see sick children in orthopedics. It’s just not a routine part […]