When you work in a place where loss is an every day occurrence, it changes something in you. Empathy is always there, yes, but when you’ve seen so much loss so often you begin to get a little numb to it. That’s a harsh reality of the medical profession. And it’s not to say that […]

It all kinda makes you want to stop looking at the news. The turmoil is undeniable. Recent world events have left some feeling down, disillusioned and even depressed. We appear to be on a path of applying a negative lens, and I fear it is becoming all-consuming. But look a little closer. Are we actually […]

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I get asked one question a lot: “where do you get your inspiration?” I find it a little tough to answer. Maybe not so much answer but narrow down. I’ve been blessed to know, work with, learn from and listen to some truly inspiring people and organizations. Sometimes I just don’t have the words. It’s […]

Yesterday was another busy day for me here in Port-au-Prince but not in the OR for a change. Started early at 7 AM with lectures to the public medical school orthopedic residents. These students are eager to learn and their enthusiasm fed my energy. Broken Earth is creating a new partnership here with the Haitian […]