Teaching how to fish
I don’t spend a lot of time reflecting. That mindset is usually the first casualty of a busy schedule. But every now and then, as time rushes by, the universe reaches out and stops you in your tracks, gives you the gift of a single moment of realization.
Despite the pleasure of receiving awards for all Team Broken Earth has done, it isn’t often that I let myself become overwhelmed with pride. Overwhelmed with other emotions, yes, but rarely do I allow myself to experience pride. This week was an exception.
This week, Team Broken Earth led an orthopedic trauma training course in Haiti with surgeons from across the USA and Canada. Not to mention that 30 boxes of surgical equipment arrived at the right time is also no small feat! An equal accomplishment was the local partnership for the first time with multiple stakeholders who rarely see one another.
Still another success was the fact that 90 local medical residents, students and staff showed up for this course. They came from all areas, representing 75% of all orthopedic providers for the entire country.
But the largest success, the thing that made me beam the most was the interest, enthusiasm and excitement with which the participants approached the material. Their interaction and enjoyment was what hit me the hardest.
This is not only life changing, this is population changing. With this level of collaboration and team building, residents will be better, surgeons will be better, and most importantly, patients will be better.
I am a teacher at home, and thought I understood the meaning of the parable of teaching a person to fish. I lived it this week and I won’t resist the pride of this experience.
Ps. Help us help Haiti. Make sure you purchase your ticket to Rock Op! The Once will be playing and you’ll get to taste the food of some of the best restaurants in Canada and bid on some amazing auction items! You can purchase your tickets online here… www.brokenearth.ca/rock-op-haiti/