Thank a nurse this week
Been thinking about a question Anthony Germain asked me yesterday about the transition from working in Haiti and working here. I believe it’s made a little easier because there’s always such an amazing team around you in both places.
I think that’s so important. Surround yourself with the best and it’ll make you better no matter what.
It’s kinda fitting then that this is National Nursing Week, a week dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the amazing, often unsung job that our nurses do everyday in hospitals, clinics, and communities around the world.
I know what we do in Haiti would not be possible without them.
We’ve had close to 100 nurses volunteer with Team Broken Earth. I think about Jackie teaching CPR, Mary giving everything she has to resuscitate a baby, Pam caring for a crying and scared child in the OR, or working solo in an overcrowded ward. I have had the privilege of working with some of the very best and I salute you all.
Whether you know a nurse or not, your life has been in some way touched by one. Please take a moment to give them a simple thanks!
Settling back into life in the 709. Lots of exciting stuff ahead for Broken Earth. Dr. Natalie Bridger and I will be doing a presentation for TEDx St. John’s in June. And we have fundraising events coming this summer.
I do miss the 30+ temps of Port-au-Prince but the weather’s great for St. John’s this time of year. Get out and enjoy it.