Things are heating up… maybe not in NL, but they are in Haiti!
April Fool’s Day so I was skeptical to hear that St. John’s got hit with what was described as the BIGGEST snowstorm of the season! Didn’t believe it till I saw the pics online. Hope everyone’s safe!
After last night’s thunderstorms, it was good to see the sun this morning. Hot, hot day though. We have managed to accomplish so much in such a small amount of time already. I knew the team was good, but didn’t appreciate exactly how it would grow and rise to the new heights.
Last night was another flurry of activity in the emergency room with two traumas at the same time, one adult and one child. Rolling covered patients through the torrential rains to get tests was a new one for all of us. Fortunately, a soaking wet team still got the work done with Dr, Barter in the lead!
This morning brought another ray of hope of change here in Haiti. I had the opportunity to teach 15 orthopedic residents at a local university about fracture care. After the lecture they came to watch Dr. Noftall treat two patients in the OR. This educational aspect is crucial to rebuilding the medical infrastructure in this country.
Andrea Hann and all of the pediatric nurses have been amazing, working through the long nights and hot days with a smile, which goes a long way here for patients and staff alike.
We made further progress last night in the hospital project supported by Brendan Paddick and Columbus Communications. We met with a fantastic contractor and family who are interested in helping the cause. It will make such a difference to all.
Wish I could be there to help with the shoveling, but former Team Broken Earth member John Hopkins came by my place to take care of it… thanks John!!
– Andrew