Where do you find the energy?
Where do you find the energy? Do you hit the gym a lot? Eat right? Do you have a good sleep schedule? Have you hit the sweet spot for a proper work/life balance? Are you happy? Where? Where does your energy come from? Sure, it can be any of those things. They’re all positive. But the best energy out there comes from one simple source… people.
We are hitting our peak here. Everyone’s firing on all cylinders. The OR has been so busy seeing case after case. Everyone’s working together. And we have been privileged to have residents from two teaching programs in Haiti working with us all week. That kind of hands-on education will go a long way.
Pauline and Linda have been flat out in the ER today too for what seems like a busier day than usual.
The teaching has been extensive. Jackie secured brand new training mannequins for this trip and they have been in constant use.
Anesthesia and Dr. Sampson have done resident teaching rounds every morning. Dr. Boone talked on general surgery diseases to med students. Dr. Smith did a casting session. Dr. Martin and Dr. Cashin travelled to another hospital at 6:30 AM to teach.
These are the people that create the energy that drives Team Broken Earth. Their commitment, their never-say-stop attitudes. That’s the fuel.
It’s hump day today. Can’t believe how quick the week is going. But mid week is when you always could do with a boost. Today, that boost was the arrival of a container from home. Sponsored by Rotary St. John’s and facilitated by Canadian Medical Supplies. We can’t thank you enough for this. It’s like Christmas for healthcare fans… it contained badly needed monitors for the ICU and a new intra-operative X-ray machine.
Second wind is achieved all round. Bring on the rest of the week.
– Andrew
Ps. Tell me: where do you find your energy?